Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Writing Advice: Filler Chapters

So, this doesn’t apply to a lot of stories, but mainly to the ones who use a lot of actions. It’s ok to take a break. I’m reading a book at the moment and while there are slow moments in these chapters, once the plot gets moving, there’s almost some kind of action scene or suspense going on that keeps the characters moving. The characters hardly take a breather once the plot gets moving and I would like to tell everyone, it’s ok to relax.

Moving from one action set piece to another can be quite tiring, as the characters and the readers don’t get a chance to take a break. Sure the characters can pause every couple of minutes, but the reader knows it’s not gonna last and is sometimes just waiting for the next action sequence to happen.

Filler chapters are great because they break up the story to allow readers to relax while also exploring your world and characters before the next action set piece occurs. I understand filler chapters get a lot of flak because they don’t contribute to the plot, but that’s fine. They aren’t meant to contribute to the plot, if they are, then they aren’t filler. Filler chapters are used to help fill out the world and the characters while giving the readers time to pause and reflect on what's been going on.

When is it a good time to add filler? That choice is up to you, but let’s take a look at some examples. If your characters are on the run, and others are chasing them. You can add a filler chapter while they’re resting. It doesn’t have to be much, but enjoying downtime at their campfire before moving can be a great way to show off your character's personality. Maybe even hint at some romance if you want.

If your characters enter a new place, at least give that location one chapter before destroying it. In this book I’m reading, the main character goes back home to realise there’s a festival. They meet up with their childhood friend and for a brief moment, they’re happy. That doesn’t last an entire entire chapter. In one chapter they go back home, in the next it’s destroyed, and there is no rest period. There was a moment where the main character and the love interest had a brief moment being cute together, but it wasn’t for an entire chapter. It goes from them being cute, to death.

This location, of the main character's home, could've had great filler. The main friend group could see where this guy grew up. We could see the festival, and how the culture in this town plays out. We can catch up with old characters and have playful banter. There are so many extra scenarios the story could’ve gone into if the story just took a moment to rest. (This isn’t a small book by the way, over 400 pages). Not to mention, this is just after one of their friends had died. Use this new location to show us how they’re reacting to said death. Talk about it. Give them space to breathe, it’s fine.

If you go from one action set piece to another, it might start to feel like these fights ARE the filler as if you have too much, they start to lose their meaning. I skipped over two characters' deaths because I didn’t care for another fight sequence. In both of these character deaths, the main character never has time to reflect on them so I just don’t care, no matter how major these deaths are. There’s never any time to reflect on them. I’m not saying you need to reflect on every death, but some deaths in which the reader might go, “Hold up...that should impact you...why aren’t you affected?” does take you out of the story as you might start questioning the entire relationship between the alive and dead characters.

Filler chapters are most commonly used for romance. Once the characters can breathe, and relax, they start to grow and get close to one another. Filler romance chapters are a great way for readers who don’t care about romance to skip them if they just want to get back into the action. Using filler chapters for romance does make the romance feel more natural since you get the vibe they’re connecting and you as the reader can feel like you’re connecting as well.

Let’s go back to my earlier example, the main character and the love interest in the town in which the main character grew up in. It’s a festival and everyone is having fun. Remember that cute moment which gets interrupted? Don’t interrupt that part. Use the entire chapter as a way for their bond to feel closer, for them to get to know each other, talk about what's on their mind, reflect on what happened so far, and maybe...even...kiss each other. *gasp* It’ll make their moment feel more impactful, as the reader knows it's not gonna last, but for one chapter, it feels like there's happiness.

Filler chapters are also used for world-building. While I understand, that not a lot of people like filler chapters being used for lore, because if the lore was important, why isn’t it implemented in the actual story? But sometimes, if you can only squeeze in the lore in filler chapters, that's all you can do. Now, while I do recommend if there’s anything noteworthy that you don’t want your readers to skip over, maybe don’t put those in the filler chapters. What I personally like to add is just fun little world-building stuff. Things that the reader doesn’t need to know to understand the plot but if they read it they can see that the world is bigger than what the plot gives off.

Honestly, I could probably write another article on how to do this, but I’ll summarise how to use filler chapters for world-building. If your characters are in a city, use one or two chapters to show off that city's culture. You can do this by having them go to shops, or engaging with the locals. If your city is set more modern, have them watch ads that give off snippets of how the world is operating or what’s going on. The city is such a great place to drop your characters in because anything you can think of what to do in a real city, you can do it in a story.

If your characters are at a campfire, and one of them is smart, have the smart one talk about the world, if they’re in a cave and just exploring, have them discover something interesting in the caves. If your characters are in a small town, spend a chapter at a tavern, and have them overhear a song that explains the plot, or adds some lore. Have them go to a church and witness the religion of that area. I think you get the picture. Having your characters interact with the world around them, instead of always making a dash for the main plot will make your story feel a bit more full.

Use filler chapters as a time to reflect and pause on the story. This is mostly used after a character dies and for good reason. If someone dies, you need time to process it. Having your characters always on the move, especially after someone dies feels kind of weird. If five chapters go by and your characters never get time to reflect on someone's death, especially if the dead character was important to another, that might make the reader feel like you didn’t care about said character. If a reader feels like you don’t care about certain characters, but the readers did, the reader might feel betrayed since they wanted time to reflect but never got a chance to.

In the book I’m reading, a character, who’s in a relationship with another, died around page 192, I’m currently on page 278 and not once, did they ever reflect on said death. The character's lover is sad, and the one who caused it, feels guilty, but we don’t get to hear them talk about what happened.

We have, filler chapters being used for romance, lore building, and character deaths, what about just fun? You know how in anime there’s almost always a beach episode? Do a beach episode. Do a fun little chapter that just shows your characters having fun. Yes, I know the world is gonna end if they don’t hurry, but no one is gonna complain if your characters take some time off from saving the world. Again, the best thing about filler chapters is if someone doesn’t like them, they can skip over them. For me, seeing characters take the time to be themselves makes them feel more real. Show off a little goofy trait they have, show off an uncommon fear, just something to show these characters are real. They’re not just one note, they have depth and a personality. If you want, pair up two characters that don’t spend a lot of time with each other and see what happens.

When are filler chapters bad? They only end up bad when there’s a bit too much of them and it feels like a chore to get through just for the main plot. Filler chapters work best if they stand alone and aren’t long. Maybe two chapters back to back, but never three. At that point, readers might start to think these filler sections are actually part of the story. You also shouldn’t be adding in filler chapters whenever you want, sometimes the characters do need to just focus on the main plot of the story. If they’re approaching the villain's lair, you might not want to put down a beach episode, however, just before they approach the evil lair, give them a small chapter to reflect on what's going on and what might happen is fine. Time and place.

Filler chapters at the beginning of the story are also something you might want to avoid, at least until it’s clear when the plot starts. It’s a bit hard to determine what’s filler and what’s setting up the story, but one easy way is to ask yourself, if a reader skips this, will they be missing out on anything? I think it’s a good rule of thumb to establish the main plot of your story around chapter 5. That way you have at least four chapters of buildup, setting up your characters, and the world, as you prepare your readers for what's in store. Once the plot gets moving, it’ll be up to you to figure out when to add in filler chapters, but keep in mind, that some readers would like to read a few chapters of plot-related stuff before their first filler chapter. So if chapter five is when the plot begins, chapter six probably shouldn’t be a filler chapter.

I think that about covers it for now when it comes to filler chapters. Try to imagine a sandwich when you’re making a story. The first bread is the start of your story, the foundation. It’s where the first five chapters go to get the readers invested in what’s about to happen. Then you fill the sandwich with plot-related chapters, and you add filler like the sauce or seasoning. You don’t want to overdo it, but adding them can help make your sandwich taste a lot better. Then you end your story with another piece of bread to seal the deal. Remember, if your plot is about saving the world, and you only focus on that, your sandwich won't be that big, even if there are a lot of chapters.

Don’t get me wrong, some people like a simple sandwich, but if you want to expand it, your story needs to have more than just saving the world plot. Side plots, filler, and character plots can contribute to the overarching plot of your story. After your readers have finished digesting your story, they can look back and be like. That was a good, big sandwich.

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